
Awareness of Forced Marriage

The Forced Marriage Unit has developed free forced marriage e-learning for professionals. The modules aim to enable professionals to recognise the warning signs and ensure that appropriate action is taken to help protect and support all those at risk.

Prevent Awareness - Home Office

This course offers an introduction to the Prevent duty, and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.

Prevent Referrals - Home Office

This package builds on the Prevent awareness eLearning training. It is designed to make sure that when we share a concern that a vulnerable individual may be being radicalised, that the referral is robust, informed and with good intention, and that the response to that concern is considered, and proportionate.

Channel Awareness - Home Office

This package builds on the Prevent awareness eLearning training. It is designed to make sure that when we share a concern that a vulnerable individual may be being radicalised, that the referral is robust, informed and with good intention, and that the response to that concern is considered, and proportionate.

Recognising & Preventing FGM

A free online safeguarding training course developed for the Home Office by Virtual College.

Modern Slavery: Child Focus

This Home Office course is aimed at all safeguarding partners in England and Wales. Designated organisations such as local authorities and police have a statutory responsibility to notify the Home Office if they encounter a suspected victim of modern slavery. It will also provide useful context to other First Responders seeking to understand more about the risks children may face.