Relevant and Named Agencies

Relevant Agencies

Local Statutory Safeguarding Partners (the Council, North East London ICB and the Police) are obliged to set out which agencies are required to work as part of the CHSCP’s arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of local children. These agencies are referred to as relevant agencies and have a statutory duty to cooperate.

Relevant Agencies include:

– Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS)
– East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT)
– Hackney Council for Voluntary Services (HCVS)
– Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
– London Ambulance Service (LAS)
– London Fire Brigade (LFB)
– NHS England
– The Probation Service (London Division)
– All registered charities within the geographic area of the CHSCP whose staff /volunteers work with or come into contact with children and their families
– All schools (including independent schools, academies, and free schools), colleges and other educational providers
– All services and departments within safeguarding partner agencies

Named Agencies

Safeguarding partners can also include in their arrangements any other organisation not named in the relevant agency regulations. Whilst not under the same statutory duty, there remains an expectation of cooperation, with compliance being supported by defined legal powers. For example, Section 16H of the Children Act 2004 contains a wider power exercisable by the safeguarding partners to request a ‘ person or body’ to provide information to them. There is no limitation or definition of ‘ person or body ’ therefore the request can be made to anyone.

Local organisations named by the CHSCP include:

– All Out of School Settings (OOSS) providing tuition, training, instruction or activities without the supervision of parents or carers. At present, this includes settings such as Yeshivas.
– Social Housing provider

Minimum Expectations for Relevant and Named Agencies

As part of the CHSCP’s basic standards for local agencies, relevant and named agencies are required to:

– Develop a Basic Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

– Participate in the annual Self-Assessment programme

– Participate in the annual Child Safeguarding Statement programme


In return, agencies participating in the Self-Assessment and Child Safeguarding Statement programmes will have access to the free programme of CHSCP training. This will be enforced from April 2025 so there is still time to engage! Further information on the programmes can be found below.

If you think we are unaware of your organisation, please contact and ask to be added to the list of relevant or named agencies in the local area. We will then contact you with information to support your participation in the programmes. 

Available Resources

This following serves as a repository of information from across the website to support delivery of high-quality safeguarding and child protection practice.

Key Contacts Details

Worried About a Child?

Contact details for the Hackney Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and the City of London Children and Families Team.

CHSCP Members

Contacts emails for agency leads at the City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Allegations against Staff & Volunteers

Information and contact details for the Local Authority Designated Officer

Training, Learning and Improvement

CHSCP Training Programme

Free multi-agency training for professionals working with children and families in the City of London and Hackney.

Learning and Improvement

Share learning from local case reviews, audits and thematic briefings in supervisions and team meetings.

Things You Should Know Briefings

A monthly briefing to keep up to date with key updates in the field of safeguarding of children and young people.

CHSCP Self-Assessments

An organisational tool to self-assess the people, policy and practice in place to help make children safer.

Child Safeguarding Statements

A statement to strengthen leadership, provide transparency and a focus on how organisations collectively safeguard children.

Policy and Practice Guidance

CHSCP Practice Guidance

An A-Z repository of local and national guidance. Includes Safe Commissioning Standards and Safe Recruitment Standards.

Policy Guidance

Guidance to help write a clear safeguarding & child protection policy (a basic requirement of our local safeguarding arrangements).

Resources for parents and carers

A repository of resources to support the parents and carers you work with.