Child Safeguarding Statements
Strengthening Accountability
Child Safeguarding Statements have been introduced by the CHSCP to strengthen safeguarding leadership across all local organisations that work with or come into contact with children. They are a simple, yet powerful tool that can help promote transparency and provide a focus on how we collectively safeguard children. They can also help provide parents, carers and children themselves with reassurance that organisations / settings are safe, that risks are actively considered and that appropriate arrangements are in place to help and protect children from harm.
For information about how to complete a Child Safeguarding Statement and what else your organisation needs to do, please read the guidance and frequently asked questions document available below. Sample Child Safeguarding Statements (of three fictitious agencies) have also been created to help you see what one should look like.
If you have any further queries on completing the Child Safeguarding Statements please contact the CHSCP (
Frequently Asked Questions
Sample Statement
Sample Statement
Sample Statement
Sample Statement
Index of Local Child Safeguarding Statements
Metropolitan Police Service (Hackney BCU)
CHSCP Relevant Agencies (excl. Schools, Colleges and VCS Organisations)
As a national organisation, individual responses are not provided to safeguarding partnerships.
Probation Service (London)
Public Health
Statements will be requested from commissioned providers later in 2024/25.