CHSCP Sub Groups
The Case Review Sub Group
The Case Review sub group is responsible for coordinating the local framework for reviewing serious child safeguarding cases as set out in Working Together 2018.
The Quality Assurance Sub Group
The Quality Assurance sub group is responsible for implementing and overseeing the CHSCP’s learning and improvement framework, identifying areas of practice improvement and establishing reassurance about the sufficiency of the CHSCP’s safeguarding arrangements.
The Training, Learning & Development Sub Group
The Training, Learning & Development sub group is responsible for the commissioning, monitoring and evaluation of single and multi-agency safeguarding training in the City of London and Hackney. It oversees the delivery of the CHSCP multi-agency training programme.
The City of London Early Help Sub Group
The City of London Early Help sub group is responsible for oversight of the City of London Early Help Strategy & Action Plan and associated children’s strategies.
Feedback from the service 2024 here
Other Groups
Alongside the three core sub groups, the CHSCP also operates a number of other multi-agency forums. Some of these are established meetings that meet routinely, others are task and finish groups. They focus on particular themes of practice such as Safeguarding Adolescents, the City’s Safeguarding Education Forum, Hackney’s MASH Steering Group, Neglect and Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infants.